ng-conf is the World’s Original AngularJS Conference. Top JavaScript developers from Google and around the world come together for this event. ng-conf is a multi day, single track conference focused on delivering the highest quality training in the Angular JavaScript framework. Here are all the recordings of the talks @ ng-conf 2017. ng-conf 2017 playlist: […]

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Many a time there is a need to write front-end error to the back-end. Especially with frameworks like angularJS where the thick-client paradigm is in practice, logging to the server has its benefits. Here to accomplish this task, we use the built in $log service provided by angular to get the job done. Here we […]

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Decorator pattern allows behavior to be added to an individual object, either statically or dynamically, without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class. Real world uses can be many, some of them are: Extending a third party service to suit your needs Cross cutting concerns like logging can be easily incorporated Consider […]

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In AngularJS $formatters are array of functions to execute, as a pipeline, whenever the model value changes. The functions are called in reverse array order, each passing the value through to the next. The last return value is used as the actual DOM value. Used to format / convert values for display in the control. […]

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