Download Links to the Earth at Night Ebooks: Kindle readers: MOBI [42 MB] All other eBook readers: EPUB [45 MB] PDF readers: PDF [39 MB] “Earth at Night,” tells the story of satellite measurements of global light in the night. Explore the brilliance of our home planet when it is in darkness. For nearly 25 […]

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The WorldWind Explorer was created by Bruce Schubert and is powered by ESA-NASA Web WorldWind which provides the 3D Earth visualization with WMS maps, imagery and terrain. WorldWind is different from a 3D globe like Google Earth because it is not an application. Instead, it is an SDK (software development kit) that software engineers can […]

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To meet the White House mandate to set the data free, The Open Innovation team @ NASA enables users, access to data in a format that is useful. In doing so, they hope to spark your creative juices and equip you with tools to innovate your world – whether local, global, or interstellar – leveraging […]

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According Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL) lead scientist Gerard J. Holzmann, a huge amount of arbitrary rules and inconsistent guidelines causes code quality of even the most critical applications to suffer. “The Power of Ten: Rules for Developing Safety Critical Code” is a paper published which was an outcome of a research that was carried out at […]

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“A Project Manager’s Lessons Learned” is a compilation of lessons learnt by Jerry Madden back in 1995 , Associate Director of the Flights Project Directorate at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Now why should we care about these rules. You only need one reason “NASA has a great track record of successful missions and they […]

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