Download Links to the Earth at Night Ebooks: Kindle readers: MOBI [42 MB] All other eBook readers: EPUB [45 MB] PDF readers: PDF [39 MB] “Earth at Night,” tells the story of satellite measurements of global light in the night. Explore the brilliance of our home planet when it is in darkness. For nearly 25 […]

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National Geographic presents 2014’s Ultimate Adventure Bucket List. Twenty of the world’s top adventurers share the dazzling new frontiers they’ve discovered, as well as their all-time classic trips to add to your list. Also, don’t miss the must-have gear they take on every trip. “Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness. We are […]

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HOME is a movie made by Yann Arthus-Bertrand in an attempt to spread the awarness about the imminent danger our planet would face if not immediately acted upon. Climate change, depletion of natural resources, global warming, everything adds up. We Humans have abused and exploited the resources mother nature had to offer. Actions have consequences […]

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Arkive collects and protects the very best wildlife films and photographs and makes them available to everyone creating a powerful resource for conservation and education.Its the ultimate audio-visual guide to life on Earth. It aims to save video and images of flora and fauna, especially those currently under threat, for generations to come. Arkive promotional […]

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