A checklist is a type of job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task. Checklists are useful for applying methodology. The Front-End Checklist is an exhaustive list of all elements you need to have/test before […]

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To meet the White House mandate to set the data free, The Open Innovation team @ NASA enables users, access to data in a format that is useful. In doing so, they hope to spark your creative juices and equip you with tools to innovate your world – whether local, global, or interstellar – leveraging […]

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Gmail now gives it’s users over 1000 Emoticons to insert in the mails. This feature was previously available under google labs.Here is the link for the unicode emoji’s and their descriptions. I personally think it’s an overkill, but hey gmail users out there might have wanted them afterall. These plethora of emoticons are available in […]

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Google has published it’s list of what the netizens were searching for in the year 2012. The list is categorized in various groups such as Searches, Images, Athletes, Events, People, Feature Films, TV Shows, Performing Artists, Consumer Electronics, Airlines, Google+ Hashtags. The above list can further be narrowed down to each country. With information pouring […]

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