SpotBugs is a program to find bugs in Java programs. It looks for instances of “bug patterns” — code instances that are likely to be errors. It uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code. SpotBugs checks for more than 400 bug patterns. Bug descriptions can be found here. It is free software, […]

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InVision is the digital product design platform used to make the world’s best customer experiences. In simple terms it is a prototyping tool created for designers, by designers. It allows you to quickly and easily create interactive mockups for your designs. When ready, you can share these mockups with your team or clients. It makes […]

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Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of your web apps. Lighthouse analyzes web apps & sites, collecting modern performance metrics and insights on best practices. Lighthouse can be run as a Chrome Extension, from the command line, or used programmatically as a Node module. You give Lighthouse a URL that you […]

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To meet the White House mandate to set the data free, The Open Innovation team @ NASA enables users, access to data in a format that is useful. In doing so, they hope to spark your creative juices and equip you with tools to innovate your world – whether local, global, or interstellar – leveraging […]

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