Hacker101 is a collection of videos that will teach you everything you need to operate as a bug bounty hunter. The material is available for free from HackerOne. Taught by HackerOne’s Cody Brocious, the Hacker101 material is located at this GitHub repository and the videos are available through YouTube. Additionally, there are coursework levels where […]

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Capture The Flag(CTF) are computer security/hacking competitions which generally consist of participants breaking, investigating, reverse engineering and doing anything they can to reach the end goal, a “flag” which is usually found as a string of text. A CTF is a system of increasingly-difficult challenges that can’t be too easy or too hard. A well-designed […]

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To catch a thief, or for self defense you got to think like one. Google announces Jarlsberg, a web application that allows its users to publish snippets of text and store assorted files. “Unfortunately,” Jarlsberg has multiple security bugs ranging from cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery, to information disclosure, denial of service, and remote […]

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