Alan Turing is the father of computer science and he significantly advanced the field of artificial intelligence, a phrase that hadn’t even been coined until after his death. In a time when the first general purpose computers had just been built, Turing was already asking the question ‘can computers think’? It was that question that […]

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Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers. It’s 100% free, no registration required. Here are the good parts: Anybody can ask a question. Anybody can answer. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Checkout Area 51 on Stack […]

Read More → is a non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer programming education. It’s vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn how to code. We believe computer science and computer programming should be part of the core curriculum in education, alongside other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses, such as […]

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ZenCoding is a fun, fast, intuitive way to write html,css,xsl,xml and haml code. Consider this like the typewriter shorthand system, but only better. This kind of coding style has been around since the late 2009. ZenCoding is possible by adding the plugin for your favorite editor. Check here if your editor has a ZenCoding plugin. […]

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