Every once in a while there comes along something that absolutely blows away your mind, this is one such story. John Bramblitt is a painter, what’s inspirational about him is he does not have sight. John had complications from epilepsy that left him irreversibly blind. He figured out how to mix the colors by feeling […]

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5-hour Energy is a flavored “energy shot” brand made by Living Essentials. American Truck drivers swear by it. It is a multi-billion dollar company founded and headed by Manoj Bhargava. He is a low key person but does pretty amazing stuff. He pledged 90% of his wealth to charity. He is an entrepreneur, philanthropist who […]

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I chanced upon this amazing survival story of mountain climber Aron Ralston while browsing through Oscar Award winner Danny Boyle’s forth-coming movies. Yes, Danny Boyle is making a movie named 127 Hours based upon the real life story of Aron Ralston. Well this blog post is not about the movie. It is about this extraordinary […]

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