Serverless computing/architecture allows you to build and run applications and services without having to manage infrastructure. Your application still runs on servers, but all the server management is done by a container (example AWS). You no longer have to provision, scale, and maintain servers to run your applications, databases, and storage systems. Serverless code can […]

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To meet the White House mandate to set the data free, The Open Innovation team @ NASA enables users, access to data in a format that is useful. In doing so, they hope to spark your creative juices and equip you with tools to innovate your world – whether local, global, or interstellar – leveraging […]

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AngularJS has grown in popularity over the years. There are a huge number of blogs,videos and tutorials all over the web that delve into finer topics on AngularJS. Here is a list of AngularJS Best Practices and Notes as mentioned on AngularJS Developer Guide Custom directives to access the DOM: In Angular, the only place […]

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Try running this piece of javascript, it would throw a “URI malformed” exception. javascript:alert(decodeURIComponent(escape(’®’)));javascript:alert(decodeURIComponent(escape(‘®’))); The ® character is transformed to %AE, which is not a valid input to decodeURIComponent function. This issue is clearly evident in the latest prototype js 1.6 framework. _getHeaderJSON: function() { var json = this.getHeader(’X-JSON’); if (!json) return null; json = […]

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