A typical day of a javascript developer has some sort of Array operation that needs to be done. The choicest way of doing this is to loop through it, however ECMASCRIPT5 has a lot of convenience methods for almost all of the needs. Some of these methods have existed in the previous versions as well. […]

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Try running this piece of javascript, it would throw a “URI malformed” exception. javascript:alert(decodeURIComponent(escape(’http://rushis.com/®’)));javascript:alert(decodeURIComponent(escape(‘http://rushis.com/®’))); The ® character is transformed to %AE, which is not a valid input to decodeURIComponent function. This issue is clearly evident in the latest prototype js 1.6 framework. _getHeaderJSON: function() { var json = this.getHeader(’X-JSON’); if (!json) return null; json = […]

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